News | UTG

Change of leadership at the Tank farm Blexen

Written by Admin | Jul 26, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Dear Sir or Madam!

We inform you that Mr. Peter Kuhlmann, our long-standing operations manager at the tank farm in Blexen, is going into well-deserved retirement with effect from September 1st, 2022.

Since March 15, Peter Kuhlmann and Murat Sedef have jointly managed the Blexen tank farm in Nordenham in order to prepare Murat Sedef for taking over sole management from September 1st, 2022. Thorben Strahlmann and Tim Conradi are being trained as the new deputies to the management.

We look forward to good cooperation and ask you to place the same trust in our new management as you have placed in Mr. Peter Kuhlmann.

Stay healthy!

Kind regards

UTG Unabhängige Tanklogistik GmbH