News | UTG

Change of shareholders at UTG Unabhängige Tanklogistik GmbH

Written by Admin | Nov 9, 2021 4:15:00 PM

By notarised purchase agreement of 26 October, the shareholders of UTG Unabhängige Tanklogistik GmbH, Bremerhaven (UTG) sold all their shares to DS Energie-Holding UG (limited liability), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bremen-based Company Diersch & Schröder GmbH & Co KG (DS).

It was the explicit wish of the previous shareholders that UTG should in future be owned by a family business with the same values as the previous shareholder families Janßen and Kühne. The completion of the sale is still subject to approval by the Federal Cartel Office and is scheduled to take place in December 2021.

The managing partner Jens Janßen will be recalled as managing director on the execution date, probably in December 2021. He is leaving the Company at his own request to concentrate on private matters after 24 years as an entrepreneur and owner of various companies in the mineral oil and waste disposal industry. In the future, lan Petri, Managing Director at Weser-Petrol Seaport Tank Farm with 24 years of experience at DS, will lead the company’s fortunes. Jens Janßen will still be available in an advisory capacity during a transitional period of six months.

Notwithstanding the change of shareholders, UTG will continue to operate as a legally independent neutral storage Company in the German tank storage market and in the disposal market for ship residues. All existing locations, contracts, orders and other matters will be unaffected by the change in shareholders and will continue as before.

The previous UTG shareholders would like to thank all the employees and partners of UTG for their fruitful cooperation and their trust and ask that the new owners be accorded the same treatment.

DS is pleased to have found a tank storage Company, UTG, upholding the same family values and which will enrich the energy business segment at DS with its employees. As a medium-sized Bremerhaven Company, UTG operates five of its own tank terminals at four locations. In addition, UTG is active in the fields of waste disposal and recycling as well as bunker Services. Following this acquisition, DS will expand its portfolio to more than 730,000 cubic metres of tank space at the Bremen, Nordenham, Greifswald, Kiel, Blexen, Bremerhaven, Essen, Bückeburg, Weiden and Meppen locations. From a Strategie point of view, this new unit will be able to reliably meet and intensify the needs of long-standing customer relationships. In particular, as a warehouse operator on the North German coasts of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, this pairing of expertise and flexibility should benefit

Both sides would like to thank their employees and the external advisors who accompanied this process. The sellers received advice concerning the transaction from the German M&A department of ING Bank, the legal consultants at Watson, Farley & Williams and the auditors at Rödl &. Partner. DS received active support for the financials from Ebner Stolz and legal/tax advice from Friedrich Graf von Westphalen & Partner.

The Diersch & Schröder group of companies was founded in Bremen in 1920. Today, it employs a total of aver 900 persons in the energy, chemicals and young business sectors.