News | UTG

New Service: Disposal of Scrubber Residues

Written by Admin | Apr 14, 2020 3:00:00 PM

Disposal of Scrubber Residues in the ports of Bremerhaven, Bremen and Nordenham

Dear Sir or Madam!

With beginning of 14th April 2020 we expand our range of services in the waste disposal business and are pleased to offer to you the receiving, the transport and the processing at our own reprocessing plant in Nordenham-Blexen (the disposal) of liquid and pumpable scrubber residues pursuant to European waste code (AVV) 100118 without any chemicals at the ports of Bremerhaven, Bremen and Nordenham via barge or road tanker.

We can assure you the prompt and proper disposal of your shipping residues in accordance with the waste and hazardous materials law and welcome your enquiries:

Axel Hartmann
Telefon: +49(0)471 94690-18

Stephan Tatje
Telefon: +49(0)471 94690-19

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Yours faithfully

UTG Unabhängige Tanklogistik GmbH