A Vision for Disposal.

Our Disposal and Oil Recycling Division uses barges and road tankers to accept oil-water mixtures and scrubber-system-residues arising from seagoing vessels (noxious liquid substances as defined by Marpol), processes these mixtures into a substitute fuel at our own Nordenham Blexen oil-water processing facility, and performs substitute fuel marketing activities.

Take us at our word. We look forward to working with you.



The tanker Kaddy was built in 1989 and has been owned by UTG Unabhängige Tanklogistik GmbH since 2013.

Kaddy’s technical data can be found here.



The tanker Wesertank 22 was built in 1964 and has been owned by UTG Unabhängige Tanklogistik GmbH since 2008.

Wesertank 22’s technical data can be found here.



We can accept your ships’ pumpable oil residues from both the waterside and the landside, for which we use two 25m³-capacity vacuum tankers (Slop/Sludge/Scrubber) equipped with all the requisite hoses, flanges, and adapters.

Oil Recycling Facility


Our Oil Recycling Facility at Blexen reprocesses oil-water mixtures and waste oil from shipping and industrial processes.

Distilling produces an oil product suitable for a variety of uses as a heavy fuel substitute. After separation of residual hazardous substances, the aqueous phase is treated at our own wastewater plant and discharged into the sewage canal.

The entire process involves only thermal, physical, and biological processes – without any chemical additives, a fact that we are particularly proud of. Our system protects the environment in two ways: by using fewer scarce resources and by generating no hazardous waste.